Thursday, November 15, 2012

Prescott House Tackles Men’s Eating Disorders

Prescott House is coming into its 25th year this December. Along the 25 years of service and recovery Prescott House has developed a unique style and approach that allows those that suffer from any and all addictions to recovery. Prescott House started noticing a high volume of disordered eating and body image issues in their clients in the early 2000s. “We started seeing men with disordered eating and over exercising around 7 years ago.” – D. Turberville M.Ed.  Prescott House found urgent necessity to start formulating a program to treat eating disorders and body image disorders in men.

Through the hard work of Dayton Turberville, Dr. Stevie Stanford, Eric Strother and Dr. Ray Lemburg Prescott House has been able to pool information to better educate the addiction and ED community in regards to treating men. The extended care treatment for men located in Prescott Arizona is proud to offer eating disorder recovery along with alcohol and drug addictions for the better part of 25 years.

For more information on eating disorders and drug and alcohol addiction, call 1.866.425.4673