Thursday, December 23, 2010

Men & Eating Disorders...Self Image Issues - Men

Eating disorders are not typically associated with men in our society, but we have encountered several men in our program over the years struggling with body image issues, binge eating issues, and excessive exercising issues.

In more severe cases, we have encountered men with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and other forms of eating disorders as well as men who use steroids. We have found that addressing issues with food and body image, along with balanced nutrition, can be crucial to a healthy recovery.

Prescott House addresses these issues for men with our " Eating Disorders Program " more.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Men Who are Struggling with Addiction and Relapse

Sometimes 30 days in addiction treatment is just not enough. It takes time to change old behavior, and it is extremely helpful to be immersed in the recovery lifestyle for real change to occur.

Prescott House is a long term addiction treatment recovery center that is perfect for those who have already been to primary residential treatment, but are still struggling to maintain sobriety.

Please call us today for more information.