Wednesday, May 23, 2012

We recognize that family is an essential part of recovery for anyone.  Just as disease, addiction and codependence can permeate the family structure, so can recovery.

Who we are has a lot to do with the environment we grew up in, so the path of recovery often leads to the possibility for growth and change within that original family structure.  As part of every treatment plan at Prescott House, family of origin issues are addressed on a very regular basis.

Recovery within the family structure will require significant transition for everyone involved.  We encourage all family members to seek support and counseling through this process as well.  There are very helpful 12-step programs available everywhere for families in this process.

After the first month of treatment each client and his primary therapist will begin to prepare for a family weekend that will include family therapy and, in many cases, a weekend experience together away from the facility.  We ask that families be available for sessions on Thursday night as well as Friday and Monday mornings for that weekend.

The schedule is relatively flexible and we understand that in some cases multiple sessions may be required to accommodate the various family components.  Any questions about the specifics of the program may be addressed to the client’s primary therapist or our family counselor.

"I came to Prescott House to learn how to put the tools I learned about at Betty Ford Center to work, in a safe and structured environment. My childhood was very traumatic for me and I got to work on those trauma issues here. If I had not gone through extended care I would not be writing this to explain its importance; I'd be dead or in prison." — Steve