Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Self Esteem for Men

Self Esteem Workshop at Prescott House for Men

Each of us hides behind illusions created from our need to protect past wounds. This weekend workshop is designed to create a safe place to explore that old pain and resolve some of the issues of our past. It allows the client to expose the vulnerability that has been concealed by dysfunctional behaviors.

Using a variety of models the therapists provide the client an opportunity to address those wounds through mask building, gestalt therapy, artwork and psychodrama. Each participant will see how post traumatic stress may have set up these destructive behaviors. This is an intensive experiential workshop created for those clients ready for deep inner work.

“I’d been in and out of primary treatment centers and 12-Step groups for 16 years. I couldn’t stay sober until I went to Prescott House, followed their suggestions and dealt with my issues. Today, life is good.” — Tom

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Prescott House Tackles Men’s Eating Disorders

Prescott House is coming into its 25th year this December. Along the 25 years of service and recovery Prescott House has developed a unique style and approach that allows those that suffer from any and all addictions to recovery. Prescott House started noticing a high volume of disordered eating and body image issues in their clients in the early 2000s. “We started seeing men with disordered eating and over exercising around 7 years ago.” – D. Turberville M.Ed.  Prescott House found urgent necessity to start formulating a program to treat eating disorders and body image disorders in men.

Through the hard work of Dayton Turberville, Dr. Stevie Stanford, Eric Strother and Dr. Ray Lemburg Prescott House has been able to pool information to better educate the addiction and ED community in regards to treating men. The extended care treatment for men located in Prescott Arizona is proud to offer eating disorder recovery along with alcohol and drug addictions for the better part of 25 years.

For more information on eating disorders and drug and alcohol addiction, call 1.866.425.4673

Monday, October 15, 2012

My P house story. I'm not going to lie, I struggled through The House. I originally landed at the Prescott House due to fear of prison time. I had been arrested again, only this time it wasn't a misdemeanor. In a drunken, drugged up state I robbed the apartment of a person I felt owed me, and along with my drunk friend found myself charged with two felonies. My great enabling parents quickly sent me out to rehab to avoid immediate jail time. Although I did not know until after I graduated, the charges were dropped because the defendant's failure to show in court. So needless to say I wasn't at the Prescott House because I "was done". 

 It took months for me to see that I did not want the life I had before I got sober. I spent the first few months just trying to skate by on compliance with rules and hoped that I would soon be able to leave and go back to the only thing I knew as life. I think just the amount of time that the long term treatment provided, afforded me a new perspective on life. I ceased craving the dismal existence of oblivion and began to have some kind of hope for my future. I had never given much thought to what I really wanted to do in life.

I realized I had been going through life just reacting to my fears and the world around me, without ever really deciding what I wanted. Since things were going well for once in my life, I decided that I would give this sobriety thing a chance. I told myself that after a year or two if I still felt like smoking weed was what I wanted, then I would return to what I knew, but for now I would try something completely new. So after much struggle and the shortest side door in history (2 hours, it didn't work out as planned, obviously), I graduated in May of 2003 after 9 long months of fun and groups. read more

 Prescott House, Inc.
214 N. Arizona Avenue
Prescott, AZ 86301

Toll Free: 1-866-425-4673

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

It's that time again! Please check out our flyer for this year's alumni golf tournament and BBQ on July 21st, 2012.

It's that time again! Please check out our flyer for this year's alumni golf tournament and BBQ on July 21st, 2012.

Give us a call, send us an email, or post on our facebook page to let us know if you're planning to attend!

We can't wait to see you!

(p.s. If you intend to golf with all of us, please indicate that in your message. Thanks!)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

We recognize that family is an essential part of recovery for anyone.  Just as disease, addiction and codependence can permeate the family structure, so can recovery.

Who we are has a lot to do with the environment we grew up in, so the path of recovery often leads to the possibility for growth and change within that original family structure.  As part of every treatment plan at Prescott House, family of origin issues are addressed on a very regular basis.

Recovery within the family structure will require significant transition for everyone involved.  We encourage all family members to seek support and counseling through this process as well.  There are very helpful 12-step programs available everywhere for families in this process.

After the first month of treatment each client and his primary therapist will begin to prepare for a family weekend that will include family therapy and, in many cases, a weekend experience together away from the facility.  We ask that families be available for sessions on Thursday night as well as Friday and Monday mornings for that weekend.

The schedule is relatively flexible and we understand that in some cases multiple sessions may be required to accommodate the various family components.  Any questions about the specifics of the program may be addressed to the client’s primary therapist or our family counselor.

"I came to Prescott House to learn how to put the tools I learned about at Betty Ford Center to work, in a safe and structured environment. My childhood was very traumatic for me and I got to work on those trauma issues here. If I had not gone through extended care I would not be writing this to explain its importance; I'd be dead or in prison." — Steve

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Men's Extended Care Treatment Program for Long Term Sobriety

Simple, apartment style complex - 2 and 3 bedroom, one bathroom suites. Clients share a bedroom.

  • Clients buy their own groceries and prepare their own meals.
  • Each client receives a weekly allowance from their personal expense budget, and must account for all his spending each week.

All of our clients at Prescott House have immediate access to medical professionals. We offer the services of a medical director and a consulting psychiatrist, in addition to our professionally-certified staff members. Prescott offers about 200 12-Step meetings each week, providing a supportive recovery community.

The main facility at Prescott House is designed for independent living and comfortable group involvement. Clients plan and prepare their own meals. Six common areas offer the opportunity for peer group meetings. We further encourage personal growth and interaction by assigning shared living quarters. The company of other men provides a chance to build intimacy skills based on honesty and gives you an opportunity to express feelings of shame, pain and loss in a positive and sharing environment.

Transportation by Prescott House staff from Phoenix International Airport or any primary treatment facility in Arizona is also available and encouraged for the safety of the client.

Do we eat all of our meals right there at the facility?

Yes. Prescott House has an apartment style complex, with three bedrooms in each suite, with two men in each bedroom. All clients are responsible for buying their own food and preparing their own meals.

What does your program cost?

Tuition is $6,850 per month and expenses average another $1000 per month. All applicants must demonstrate their financial ability to pay the cost of our program. Read some of the details on the expenses page.

Are most of your clients alcoholics?

No. Our client universe is usually fairly divided between alcoholics, drug users, sex addicts, men with sexual issues and trauma, dual-diagnosis, incest survivors, adult children of alcoholics, men with gambling issues and others in need of behavioral modification

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Prescott House Alumni Event in Tennessee-Join Us!

Wed, February 29, 5:30pm – 5:30pm

Where: Loveless Cafe, 8400 Highway 100, Nashville, TN 37221 (map)

Prescott House invites all Nashville area alumni to be its guests for a fun night of fellowship, food, and music! Join Dayton Turberville and Michael McGill at the Loveless Cafe.

Since 1988 Prescott House has served the recovery community as an extension of primary treatment that offers individuals the time and intensive environment to change and heal. We have found through experience, and nationally recognized research shows, that long term recovery is dependent on long term treatment in a nurturing and intensive therapeutic environment.

The primary component of the program is the group therapy experience. Clients participate in at least 12 structured therapy groups each week as well as working individually with a primary therapist. Another piece of our program is volunteer service work in the local community until a client is therapeutically ready to get a part time job or take classes at one of our three local colleges. Also, clients are given written assignments that will facilitate an experience in process groups, including personal inventories of past behavior. The clients work together as a therapeutic community to confront unhealthy behavior while providing each other with the primary support group they will need in early recovery.

At Prescott House clients are given a safe environment that will facilitate the process of confronting their self-destructive behaviors while nurturing their personal and emotional growth in recovery. Our program is based primarily on process oriented experiential group therapy. Much of the work done here centers around cognitive behavioral restructuring. The intensive and highly structured environment allows staff the opportunity to look at the whole person and treat the causes of self-destructive behavior and not simply the symptoms.

Prescott House is a unique community that models and educates clients on healthy and supportive interpersonal skills that must be used to foster a new lifestyle in recovery. Clearly the old life style was not working, and changing everything is a frightening and extensive process that we believe takes several months to begin.

Physical health, personal responsibility, spiritual development, nutrition consultations, interpersonal relationship skills and boundary development are also part of the program. A special emphasis is placed on nutritional health. An assessment will be done to help determine if each client has any potential eating wellness issues. Peripheral programs that are available in appropriate cases include neuropsychological testing and Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy done with experienced local professionals.

The town of Prescott Arizona is a mile high scenic mountain getaway that has become a Mecca for recovery in this country. This community has provided a safe haven for our clients and an amazing resource of experience, strength and hope that is invaluable to our program. This town has a way of slowing life down enough to appreciate it fully, and experience ourselves on a different level.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Eating Disorders Effect Men Too...

Prescott House Eating Disorder and Nutrition Program

Eating disorders are not typically associated with men in our society, but we have encountered several men in our program over the years struggling with body image issues, binge eating issues, and excessive exercising issues. In more severe cases, we have encountered men with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and other forms of eating disorders as well as men who use steroids. We have found that addressing issues with food and body image, along with balanced nutrition, can be crucial to a healthy recovery.

Individual Sessions: Individual sessions are scheduled weekly with all clients in the Eating Disorder/Disordered Eating Group. These sessions involve individual process of the client’s past week with food, CBT work, individual assignments, and goal setting for the following week. Clients who are not in the Eating Disorder/Disordered Eating Group schedule individual sessions as seen needed by staff or when desired by the client after their initial consultation.