Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Prescott House Drug Rehab Extended Care for Men Center | Self Esteem Workshop

Prescott House Drug Rehab Extended Care for Men Center Self Esteem Workshop: "Each of us hides behind illusions created from our need to protect past wounds. This weekend workshop is designed to create a safe place to explore that old pain and resolve some of the issues of our past. It allows the client to expose the vulnerability that has been concealed by dysfunctional behaviors.

Using a variety of models the therapists provide the client an opportunity to address those wounds through mask building, gestalt therapy, artwork and psychodrama. Each participant will see how post traumatic stress may have set up these destructive behaviors. This is an intensive experiential workshop created for those clients ready for deep inner work.

'I'd been in and out of primary treatment centers and 12-Step groups for 16 years. I couldn't stay sober until I went to Prescott House, followed their suggestions and dealt with my issues.
Today, life is good.' — Tom"

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Join the Prescott House Alumni Program for Lasting Recovery

Join the Prescott House Alumni Program for Lasting Recovery: "The mission of the Prescott House Alumni Association is to create an environment in which Prescott House alumni, parents and friends become and stay connected to The House and support it with their experience, strength and hope. Our goal is to have graduates remain linked to a life of sobriety, and share their individual success stories." Check out the Winter Alumni Newsletter 2010!